Celebrity EMF solution you shouldn't buy

British rapper, singer, and producer M.I.A has just launched a new clothing line called OHMNI...

Claiming to combat the harsh side effects of our digital age, and more specifically, radiation. 

Now, I have to admit, when I first heard about this, I was interested.

After all, it's not every day that a celebrity takes on the challenge of radiation. 

But as I looked deeper into the OHMNI product line, I wasn't that impressed.

Take for example, one of the items that caught my attention:

"The tin foil hat."

It's made of pure copper and Nickle shielding fabric that supposedly deflect electromagnetic waves.

Or how about the "Anti Trace Phone Case"?

It supposedly takes you off the grid the minute you put your phone in the pouch.

The website claims that “this phone case takes you instantly off the grid, cutting all Wi-Fi and Data, making your devices untrackable and unhackable."

Now, don't get me wrong.

I applaud M.I.A's effort to raise awareness about the potential risks of radiation exposure.

It's a topic that's near and dear to my heart.

And one that we at Bodywell have been championing for years.

But I can't help but feel that this approach misses the bigger picture.

You see, in today's interconnected world, we can't simply cut ourselves off from all forms of radiation.

Our phones, tablets, and other devices have become an important part of our daily lives.

They keep us connected to loved ones, help us navigate our cities, and allow us to access a world of information at our fingertips.

The idea of going completely "off the grid" is not just impractical – for many of us, it's downright impossible.

But here's the thing:

You don't have to choose between staying connected and protecting your health.

At Bodywell, we believe in a smarter, more balanced approach to EMF protection.

Instead of trying to block out all radiation (which, let's face it, would be like trying to hold back the ocean with your bare hands)...

We focus on reducing how much radiation our bodies take in.

Let me explain how this works:

Our bodies have evolved to handle natural forms of radiation, like the kind we get from the sun.

But man-made radiation from our devices is a different story.

It's chaotic and unpredictable...

Forcing our cells to waste energy trying to make sense of it all.

Over time, this constant strain can lead to a host of health issues, from headaches and fatigue to more serious concerns.

That's where Bodywell's technology comes in.

Our products don't try to block radiation entirely.

Instead, they act like a translator...

Converting the chaotic man-made EMF into a form that our bodies can process more efficiently.

This way you can keep using your favorite devices...

Without worrying about their potentially nasty effects on you and your loved ones.

So if you're interested in exploring our solutions?

Here are the ones I recommend:

  • Our 6-pack. It gives you 6 Bodywell chips to use on your devices... while leaving you with enough to share with your kids, grandkids, and loved ones. Plus, if you get it today, you can save up to $300 (getting 6 chips separately would cost you $599.94 vs the $299.94 of the pack)
  • Our 3-pack. You might not need 6 chips and that's OK. You can instead get 3 chips to attach to your kids' tablets and other devices... and you might have one left for you or another member of your family. Getting it today will save you $105, than if you bought 3 chips separately 
  • Our Biocard Pro. This is a great option if you already have one of our other solutions... and are looking for the next step to protect yourself or your loved ones from radiation. It easily slips into pockets, wallets, or bags. And it provides a safety net that guards you against EMF from the outside world.

Haim Einhorn
CEO, Bodywell USA

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