Are EMFs Dangerous?
Click the media boxes below to learn more

The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)

"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" - Dr Devra Davis

World Health Organization Classifies Cellphone Radiation As Possible Carcinogen

Earrings, Braces Can Increase Radiation by 25%

Underestimated Danger In Children

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer

BERKELEY NEWS: 17 minutes a day of cellphone usage associated with increased risk of brain cancer

Cell Phones & EMFs Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Cell phone radiation effects on the human body

NTP Cell Phone Radiation Study: Final Reports

FOX NEWS - Cell Phone On Nightstand Can Cause Cancer

Saftey Limits Haven't Been Updated Since 1996

Health Risks of Mobile Phone RF Radiation Explained

Systematic reviews associate RF-EMF with impacts to sperm

ABC News - Cell Phones Mysterious Effects on the Brain

NTP studies find CLEAR EVIDENCE of an association with tumors from cellphone radiation

96% more likely to get salivary gland tumor if you’re exposed for 1035 hours over your lifetime

Decreased memory among teenagers with higher cell phone exposures

Research has found women who carry cellphones in the bra have elevated breast cancer risk

A Yale study funded by the American Cancer Society found elevated thyroid cancer risk in heavy cell phone users with specific genetic susceptibilities

FCC limits should be strengthened by 200 to 400 times to protect children according to current risk assessment guidelines

Reproduction problems from cell phones

13 Investigates: Poor cell phone reception could increase your radiation exposure by 10,000x

Children's bone marrow absorbs 10 times higher MWR radiation than in adults

Very low levels of microwave radiation from cell phones can change brain function

Study on 4G technology showed that the radiation affected brain neural activity not only in the closer brain region but also in the remote region, including the left hemisphere of the brain.

In 2012, Yale research demonstrated that when pregnant mice were exposed to cell phone signals, their offspring had much greater levels of hyperactivity, impaired memory and impaired brain development in the part of the brain linked to ADHD.

Effect of Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices on Male Reproductive Hormones: A Systematic Review

“It is recommended to keep the cell phone away from the pelvis as much as possible"

Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices
Why was this information kept from you?

International Scientists Appeal to U.N. to Protect Humans and Wildlife

Insurance Companies Won't Cover Cell Phone Brain Tumor Product Liability Lawsuits

Standards not updated since 1996

Dr. Carlo's Home Mysteriously Burned Down After Publishing EMF Research

The Berkeley cell phone "Right To Know" ordinance

Mobile Phones: It’s Not Just About Brain Tumors!

Telecom industry spends $132M a year lobbying congress

Why is the government ignoring 259 scientists calling for protection?